Pro’s and Con’s of Buying An Existing Business

Going into business for yourself is an exciting idea that requires careful consideration. Depending on what you are looking for in a business, there is the option to start your business from scratch, or to buy a business that is already established. Both of these options have pros and cons so they should be weighed…
3 Inspiring Serial Entrepreneurs You’ve Never Heard Of

The term serial entrepreneur is now synomous with continual startups and acquisitions by Tech companies like Google but what about the serial entrepreneurs you’ve never heard of. The silent millionaires and billionaires staying out of the limelight and just building their business empires – getting results and making a difference. Branson, Jobs, Gates… you’ve heard…
4 Reasons Most People Should Not Build A Tech Startup

I started in business at an early age, I am by nature a very techy person – I’ve always been good with computers, I used to do some programming on the side – yet I believe there’s a false romance about being a tech startup. Being a “Veteran” young entrepreneur, I’m constantly meeting other young…
Convincing A Seller Their Business Is Worthless Play in new windowI want to talk to you about a question that a Business Builders Academy student recently posed. He asked me, “When You’re Negotiating To Buy A Business, How Do You Convince Them Their Business Is Worthless?” This question actually threw me back and little… Destroying People Won’t Make You Successful [0:39]…
The Biggest Mistake You Can Make When Negotiating To Buy Or Sell Your Business Play in new windowToday I want to talk to you about negotiation skills and techniques, specifically the biggest mistake you can make when they’re negotiating to buy a business. Let’s Paint The Picture [0:00] The Mistake Is Focusing On ONE Thing [0:43] Have An Abundance Mindset [1:49] Negotiations, are really… [2:18] Let’s Paint The…
How An 18 Year Old Can Borrow $1 Million Dollars From The Banks to Buy A Business Play in new windowToday I want to talk to you about a question I was recently asked by Troy in New South Wales. He asked… “I’m an eighteen year old, and can I get a loan from the banks for a million dollars to buy a business?” The Short Answer Yes, but without knowing…
The Secret Language Of A Business Broker Play in new windowMany people have been asking me about some various acronyms they have seen while browsing the business for sale websites, the newspapers and business for sale magazines. They see terms like WIWO, SAV, TOL, NDA and wonder… What Does It Mean? Today I’d like to explain 4 of the most common…
Courts Rule Against Banks In October Liquidations Play in new window Carl TaylorCarl is the Author of Red Means Go! and founder of Business Builders Academy. He invests in and runs a number of businesses, and regularly teaches business skills through online training and live speaking events.