How To Build a Successful Business in a Boring Industry

Have you ever been chatting to a friend and heard them say something along the lines of ‘I wish I could start my own business, I just need a good idea’. Perhaps you’ve fallen into this limiting belief yourself and really think that to get a business started you need to come up with the…
How to Build and Run a Business while Traveling

If you ask an entrepreneur why he decided to put up his own and run a business, chances are “freedom from structure” comes a close second to “financial freedom”. A recent study by Forbes magazine revealed that despite the challenges, difficulties and unpredictable work hours faced by entrepreneurs every single day, more than 60% would…
Hiring The Right Person: How To Hire The Right Employees The First Time

Recruiting, hiring and training new employees can be time-consuming, but it’s worth to make an extra effort to hire the right person in the first place, rather than waste time, money and resources to change the workforce every season. Hiring the right person the first time can make a huge difference between success and failure of a company…
Subliminal Marketing Logos: How to Subliminally Affect Your Customers Through Your Logo

Subliminal Marketing Logos advertised strategies have been used time and time again by famous brands to convey subliminal messages. Many well known brands have deep messages hidden in their logos that are very difficult to notice at the first glance. However, if you take a long look at the logos, you will find that there is…
Traditional Marketing vs Digital Marketing: Is Traditional Marketing Really Dead?

The debate about traditional and digital marketing is one that has been raging for quite some time, especially when it became apparent that internet is here to stay and when it became even more apparent that it will become a digital part of our everyday reality. On the two ends of the spectrum, you have…
3 TED Talks Every Entrepreneur Should Watch

If you haven’t seen a TED Talk before you’re in for a real treat. TED revolves around “ideas worth spreading.” they invite some of the most interesting and intelligent people on the planet to give a presentation to inform, engage and educate. There are literally thousands of TED talks, but here in this post we’ve broken it down…
4 Simple Secrets To Business Success

There are just 4 key ingredients to success in business, and here’s what they are… 1. A Compelling Reason Why… Without a reason why that pushes you to take action, even when things get hard – you’ll ultimately stagnate, give up and not achieve the results you want. It’s perseverance that helps entrepreneurs succeed, and…
The Biggest Lie In Business Education

Have you done a business course? Maybe you went to a University or College, or maybe you attended a seminar or bought an online course by a subject matter expert. I’m a big believer in business education but… While I’m never attended formal business education like an MBA or Business Degree through a university. I…
Pro’s and Con’s of Buying An Existing Business

Going into business for yourself is an exciting idea that requires careful consideration. Depending on what you are looking for in a business, there is the option to start your business from scratch, or to buy a business that is already established. Both of these options have pros and cons so they should be weighed…
5 Steps To Creating An Irresistible Lead Magnet

In today’s digital marketing world, there’s a lot of things to think about. How will you get traffic, how will you capture leads, and how will you deliver your content. Personally, I think one of the most important aspects of digital marketing is what is known as a Lead Magnet (or as I call it…