3 TED Talks Every Entrepreneur Should Watch

If you haven’t seen a TED Talk before you’re in for a real treat. TED revolves around “ideas worth spreading.” they invite some of the most interesting and intelligent people on the planet to give a presentation to inform, engage and educate. There are literally thousands of TED talks, but here in this post we’ve broken it down…
The Biggest Lie In Business Education

Have you done a business course? Maybe you went to a University or College, or maybe you attended a seminar or bought an online course by a subject matter expert. I’m a big believer in business education but… While I’m never attended formal business education like an MBA or Business Degree through a university. I…
Does Passive Income Really Exist?

It’s the dream of many, and the path to true financial freedom… but does this often elusive “Passive Income” really exist? Let’s first look at the definition of Passive Income according to Wikipedia. Passive income is an income received on a regular basis, with little effort required to maintain it. It is closely related to…
5 Business Lessons from Donald Trump

The Top Five Business Lessons From Donald Trump Undoubtedly, one of the most successful business owners in the world, Donald Trump has built a vast empire that touches multiple industries. With high end real estate, a network television show and world class casinos, Donald Trump has mastered the art of gaining success in the world…
Young Billionaires Under 30 – The 2014 Young Rich List

It’s extremely rare to find a billionaire under the age of 30 anywhere in the world. Normally, a person in their twenties is just finishing their college degree, starting a new career, getting married, and living the American dream. At least that’s what I did. I struggled financially every month to pay my rent,…
14 Recommended Business Books To Put On Your Christmas Wishlist

Books… they are one of the best sources of information. Whether you are an Audiobook person, a Kindle book person, a good old fashioned – smell the paper – paperback or hardcover person, there’s a book out there that can change everything for you. Since I was 22 I’ve had a sign up on my…
What Should You Look For When Choosing An Investor?

When it comes time to approach investors for your business, you can often become confused and distracted by the biggest dollar value that is thrown your way. Having a choice of investors and lots of numbers being talked about is definitely a good problem to have when you are looking for investors, but it can actually…
3 Inspiring Serial Entrepreneurs You’ve Never Heard Of

The term serial entrepreneur is now synomous with continual startups and acquisitions by Tech companies like Google but what about the serial entrepreneurs you’ve never heard of. The silent millionaires and billionaires staying out of the limelight and just building their business empires – getting results and making a difference. Branson, Jobs, Gates… you’ve heard…
The Biggest Mistake You Can Make When Negotiating To Buy Or Sell Your Business

http://media.blubrry.com/businessbuildersacademy/businessbuildersacademy.s3.amazonaws.com/Podcast/BBAE4_The_Biggest_Negotiation_Mistake_You_Can_Make_When_Buying_And_Selling_Your_Business.mp3Podcast: Play in new windowToday I want to talk to you about negotiation skills and techniques, specifically the biggest mistake you can make when they’re negotiating to buy a business. Let’s Paint The Picture [0:00] The Mistake Is Focusing On ONE Thing [0:43] Have An Abundance Mindset [1:49] Negotiations, are really… [2:18] Let’s Paint The…
The Secret Language Of A Business Broker

http://media.blubrry.com/businessbuildersacademy/businessbuildersacademy.s3.amazonaws.com/Podcast/BBAE2_The_Secret_Language_of_Business_Brokers.mp3Podcast: Play in new windowMany people have been asking me about some various acronyms they have seen while browsing the business for sale websites, the newspapers and business for sale magazines. They see terms like WIWO, SAV, TOL, NDA and wonder… What Does It Mean? Today I’d like to explain 4 of the most common…